Even If You Don’t Speak Portuguese . . .

By , May 31, 2011 11:45 am

All you really need to know to understand this story is that “estuprador” means rapist, “corta” means cut, “pênis” means penis (fancy that), and “polícia” means police. Oh, and it helps to know that the “estuprador’s” victim wielded the knife.

“Quando ele tentou violentá-la, a mulher cortou seu pênis com uma faca. Ela depois colocou o membro em um recipiente de plástico e o levou para a delegacia de polícia de Jhalakathi como prova do crime”, indicou à AFP o chefe de polícia local, Abul Khaer.

I guess it helps to know that Bangladesh is 89.5% Muslim. We’ll have to wait to see if turnabout is considered fair play in that part of the world.

What If This Catches On With Other Kids?

By , May 31, 2011 11:29 am

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