Posts tagged: Donald Trump

Trump Tweets Trump Fans Won’t Re-Tweet

By , January 31, 2016 8:48 pm

This one, by Tom Nichols, for example.

Trapped by the Non Mormon

By , February 2, 2012 4:49 pm


Caused me to think of this

Mitt, Trapped by the Donald?

Not to Pick on The Donald

By , May 4, 2011 2:27 pm

But this guy is richer than you are and apparently has the facts to back up his braggadocio. Oh, and better hair.

And he seems to have bigger things in mind than himself. A quote from the Jornal do Brasil story (translation mine):

Minha missão é mostrar a jovens brasileiros que eles podem se orgulhar do que estão produzindo. Alguém tem que mostrar que é possível. [My mission is to demonstrate to young Brazilians that they can be proud of what they’re producing. Someone has to show (them) what is possible.]

Calling Donald Trump

By , May 4, 2011 2:14 pm

Obama Says He Won’t Release Bin Laden Death Photo.

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