Posts tagged: Obama

NYT’s Headline: For Chinese Leader’s Visit, U.S. to Take a Bolder Tack

By , January 18, 2011 9:46 am

Like maybe standing up straight and looking Hu in the eye, for example?

This was too easy.

So Is Google Sucking Up?

By , November 11, 2010 10:16 am

So, the Pjamasphere has been atwitter about Google’s apparent close ties to the Obama administration. And in the past, some have criticized the technology giant for what it has and hasn’t honored on its search page by tweaking the Google logo to fit the holiday. So, my interest was tweaked just a bit by Google’s logo today, Armistice Day:

So That’s Where the Shovel-Ready Jobs Are!

By , November 4, 2010 5:06 pm

Mumbai Mirror columnist Cyrus Dastur reports that his city is putting on the shine for President Obama’s visit.

And now, as India gets ready for Obama’s visit, we’re once again scrambling around to make our cities look good even when they’re a far cry from being liveable. Certain roads will be hastily repaired, areas will be cleaned, and security will be completely in shape, et al. Basically, everything that makes us cast a good impression will be done. So what if all this crumbles down like a pack of cards the moment Obama’s flight leaves India.

Seems like wherever he goes, the President is a job-creating machine. Except here.

(Courtesy of Bureau of Labor Statistics)

And if that graph isn’t disappointing enough, try this one, which shows the median duration of unemployment year-by-year over the last 50 years:

Keynes? Is that to the north or south of the Big Island?

By , November 2, 2010 10:11 am

Without comment:

Blue Light Special

By , October 9, 2009 10:19 am

Hey, I’m running to Kmart to pick up a Nobel Peace Prize. Want me to pick one up for you?

And That’s The Way It Is?

By , January 21, 2009 2:35 pm

During his 19 years as “America’s Anchorman,” Walter Cronkite ended each of his newscasts on CBS with his trademark, “And that’s the way it is.” We’ve all grown up a bit since then, and what with cable, the Internet, and the blogosphere, we can listen to a lot of alternative voices. For anyone listening, those voices have taught us that wasn’t the way it was then, and it isn’t the way it is today.

No, Cronkite’s was only one view of what was going on then, much like the MSM today gives another, but hardly singular, view of what’s going on today. And that’s the rub because after the most recent election, it’s clear that the MSM’s view is skewered heavily in Barack Obama’s favor, in fact, heavily hardly describes it. And where does that leave us? Without the hope that the three major networks, their cable siblings, and CNN will give us the straight scoop on what’s going on in the Obama administration. 

So I ask them–you Chris Matthews and you Katie Couric and you Wolf Blitzer and all or most of your colleagues–was it worth it? Was that tingle that ran up your collective legs and onto the television screen in the recent election a worthy price for your journalistic souls? Does it make up for the loss of your credibility and the trust we’ve placed in your ability to report the facts, no matter where they lead you?

I hope so, because that’s the way it is.

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