Posts tagged: Andrew Breitbart

What If Anthony Weiner Had (Has) Been Blackmailed?

By , June 6, 2011 3:09 pm

In his just-completed news conference, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) apologized profusely for his bad judgment in Tweeting photos of himself, then lying about it. He did it because he was embarrassed about it.

That said, what’s interesting to me is how many people miss the big issue, the issue that was present in the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. Blackmail.

This was brought home in two comments on Ann Althouse’s blog about Weinergate:

These people sit on committees and routinely receive sensitive information. Embarrassment is hard to take(ask Weiner), so if you can avoid embarrassment by lying about your actions or paying someone off or . . .

I have sympathy for him. His apology seemed heartfelt. However, it came about not because he wanted to apology. It came about because he had no other choice. What if he had had another choice? What if he could have made the allegations go away with a little money, a small kickback, a leak? What if?

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