What’s Really Going On in this Photo?

By , December 3, 2012 11:30 am

Ann Althouse has the following post on her blog today:

I love Althouse’s question after the photo:

The media never got Romney, did they? WaPo is presenting “I’ll change your bedpan” as abject and pathetic. Are they only pretending not to understand or does it truly escape them?

Even better is the following comment that proposes a different headline for the photo:

Romney is a good man. Too bad he’s riding this roller coaster rather than the one President Obama’s on.

The Mo Tab’s New YouTube Channel

By , December 2, 2012 5:05 pm

You can find it here. I’ve attended at least three of the Choir’s annual Christmas Concerts, one with Sissel and David McCullough, another with Natalie Cole, and finally one with Brian Stokes Mitchell and Edward Hermann. Around Christmas, these concerts are one of the hottest tickets anywhere. They’re free, but you can only get them via a random, on-line selection process described here. As you’ll see, it’s too late to get ticket for this year, but put it on your calendar for next year.

Sissel with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

By , December 2, 2012 4:33 pm

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