Posts tagged: credit default swap

The Big Short’s Debt to the Prize-Winning Honors Thesis

By , April 6, 2011 10:19 pm

I’ve been listening to Michael Lewis’s book, The Big Short, the first book I’ve read on the financial crisis of 2007-2008 (and who’s kidding whom, the crisis we’re still in). The cast of characters is beyond interesting: Steve Eisman, Greg Lippman, Dr. Michael Burry, and many others.

I went online today in search of some information on the three people I just mentioned, found a little at Wikipedia, and then found this, which lead to this, which lead me to a copy machine.

Among other pursuits, I teach Honors Thesis Writing at BYU. The projects my students are involved in are quite impressive. Can’t wait to read Barnett-Hart’s thesis to see how it stacks up.

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